Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Perhaps Some Explanation Is Necessary...

I just gave the link for my blog to my German professor - who I like a lot (and I am not just saying that to get a good grade, meine Frau W...wirklich!) and so I thought that perhaps I should explain the etymology of the title.

Some years ago a woman wrote a book called "I'm Running As Fast As I Can!" in which she detailed the story of her life and her struggles with either prescription drugs and/or alcohol, amidst the stresses and struggles of her life. It was an extraordinary book and has remained with me to this day.

So how did I get from there to my blog? Well, at divers times my life has closely resembled a three-ring circus, one in which the ringmaster is juggling hand grenades....with the pins pulled out! As most people know, it is generally considered inadvisable to hold onto a hand grenade after one has removed the pin, as it will in most cases explode...hence the need to juggle the grenades, so as to keep as many in the air at the same time as possible, whilst looking for somewhere to throw them and thus deal with the potential for explosion. The hand grenades, quite simply, are a metaphor for the stresses and demands one's life makes of one...and the trick is to get through it with most of your body parts (and your mind!) intact....and if I can help someone else to avoid some of my pitfalls, so much the better - hence the blog.

Also, I seem to have  a rather strong need to write as I get older...I wonder why that is...?


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