Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And I Thank You...Thank You, Lord!

As we head to Thanksgiving, I have tried every day (when I remember!) to post to Facebook at least one thing for which I am thankful. By and large my thanks are to my Lord and my God, the Master of the Universe!

In my life there have been many things, which seemed at the outset to be insurmountable obstacles or problems for which I could see no solutions. When I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in 1988, I had no way of knowing that her autism would both challenge and bless me, but such has indeed been the case. Our daughter is now 22 and a student at our local university. Far from just barely making it through the educational system, she has excelled in many ways - for example, in Algebra. You have to understand: I am what is charitably termed "math impaired" and it is a source of constant wonder to me that my child can do equations with aplomb! Well, strictly speaking, she uses a calculator, but you get my meaning.

And we have a son who is now 18 and preparing to graduate high school. He is a kind, sensitive young man with a heart on fire for Jesus Christ. He is deeply loyal and cares a great deal about his fellow man. He makes us very proud. He isn't sure what course he wants to pursue in higher education, but we have always told our children that higher education is the minimum requirement for success in this world which we inhabit, so he will start at our local university in the fall of 2011.

Last but by no means least, there is my husband, who completes our nuclear family unit. He is my strength and comfort and I love him very much indeed. We've been married 24 years now and nothing ever seems to really faze him, which may be one big reason why our marriage has lasted this long! I tend to react to everything and my husband calmly assesses the situation, and then proceeds to just deal with it. What can I say? I'm blessed indeed.

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