Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some Fun Things to Consider

I'm a big fan of the concept in marketing that's known as word of mouth...when I had a transcription business, 100% of my clients came to me via WOM. And it follows that in the world of the Internet, the same is true. So I would like to share with you all some links that have been a blessing in my life in the last few years:

First, I have to give thanks for HebrewOnline and their business, ETeacher. This is a phenomenal language school, teaching (among others) the language of Modern Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew. Check them out at www.ETeacher.co.il. You will not be disappointed!

Another link that I have to share with you is that of CoboCards. This is a website founded by three young men in Germany. I believe they originally started the site as a senior thesis at their university. It's a phenomenal tool and I have come to view Ali Yildirm, one of the co-founders, as a friend. Here it is: www.cobocards.com. This is a free service, at the basic level, but if you want to use the full features, there is a fee, which in my opinion is rather modest in nature.

Well, that's all for now. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

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