Friday, November 19, 2010

What HAVE I Done?

Having survived thus far (we are at T minus 5 class sessions and counting!) I find myself in a panic because I have one paper that is due by December 6 at 3:45 and it covers material that makes absolutely NO sense to me, whatsoever. I read this stuff and no matter how often I read it, find myself scratching my head and saying, "What..huh?"

I have to say, folks, that never in all my days as a student - and I am talking about all the way back to my first day in kindergarten! - have I felt as stupid as I have this semester, just in this one particular class.

Try as I might, I cannot make heads or tails of the material. The book is unbelievably BORING and the professor never teaches from it, which leads one to ask the question: Why in the world did the professor assign the text? I am not a proponent of book burning, but I have to tell you, this is one occasion in which I will cheerfully make an exception.

The instant this class is over, I am headed to my backyard, where, far from any structure or other flammable materiel, I am going to RIP up the textbook and I am going to BURN IT. And then I am going to spit on the ashes.

Have a nice weekend!

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