Friday, December 10, 2010

Merry Christmas...Or, Thank God For the Holidays!

After sweating literally buckets of blood over Linguistics 101, I am thrilled beyond measure to report that my final grade - drumroll, please! - is an earthshattering C! Thank you,'s a great load off my mind to know that I will NEVER ever have to take that class again...!!!! Whew!

And the best news of all? My grade in Elementary German 101 is...are you ready for this?!? An A!! God is so good...He does help those who help themselves!

I studied hard in both classes - but German was where I really clicked. I'm so looking forward to next semester! I'm privileged to have Frau W again as my Professorin and I know at least four of the students in the class already. We're planning to work together on the group project, if there is one.

So now I can truly relax and enjoy the next 5 weeks of peace and joy...Froehliche Weihnachten, y'all!

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