Thursday, April 7, 2011

Well, It's Been AWHILE...

I looked up finally from the crushing weight of homework, papers,classes and more of the same, and realized it's been like...since February? since I last posted on this...oh well,I'm maintaining a respectable GPA and getting my course work done and turned in, so something's happening as it should. We're getting down to the wire with less than 2 weeks of classes left before FINALS WEEK...aaaauuuuuggghhhh........................alles is GUT. 

Signed up today for Fall 2011 classes...I must be insane. German 201, English 121 (Literature), Physical Geology and...last but not least....PreAlgebra! Shoot me, just SHOOT ME NOW.

1 comment:

  1. You are off to a great start! What degree are you working towards?


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