Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thoughts on Writing College Papers

Did I mention that I HATE WRITING papers? Reeeeeallly hate it. Don't like it at all. Would rather stick NEEDLES in my eyes, in fact.  I'm fine if you tell me, "Write something! Be creative!" but when you tell me that I have to write NO MORE than TWO pages (who the sam hill writes that little?!?) and that it has to be 1/2" from the top and bottom of the paper, with left and right margins at 1", and that you have to use this stupid style or that stupid style (APA, MLA, Chiacgo-Turabian)....screw that!! Bite me.

Okay, done venting now.....back to writing about something I DO NOT CARE about....and I'm paying to do this...isn't that AA's definition of insanity?

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