Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring 2012 Semester - the Midpoint

Ach, semester, I will NOT take 15 credits. I will NOT take 15 credits. I will NOT take 15 credits...this is insane. Elementary Algebra (3 credits), German 202 (4 credits), History 341 (Alaska History) (3 credits) and Beginning Handbuilt Ceramics (3 credits) and CIOS Powerpoints (2 credits) well as a Hebrew class from ETeacher in Tel Aviv. What was I THINKING?!? Sometimes I think I'm like the starving person who sits down at a lavish eyes are bigger than my (metaphorically speaking) stomach. Don't get me wrong - my GPA seems to be pretty good...but I'm never home and I get very little sleep and my cat, Arthur, has taken to putting up "Have You Seen This Woman?" posters...

You can imagine, then, that my spring break has not been what one might call "restful"...quite the opposite. Definitely productive, but restful?  Sigh.

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