Friday, December 11, 2009

Whaddya Mean, You're Dropping Out?

So who knew that I would wind up dropping out of college after investing three or four years of my life in the pursuit of higher education? But I did, and it has been an upstream battle to get back, 26 years later! If I could give any advice to college students today it would be, first of all, this: Don't quit. Don't let ANYTHING dissuade you from following the path to your diploma and success.

I would also advise people to avoid student loans, as much as humanly possible. Too many college students wind up, at the end of the educational road, with overwhelming debt in the form of "financial aid" - also known as student loans. Granted, mine never topped $10K, but all the same, it took me years to pay them off. I won't go there again...nope, it's pay as you go for me - or I simply won't go to college.

At the moment this means working many hours every day and not turning down any reasonably profitable transcribing jobs, to writing blog posts and articles, selling kitchen tools - whatever it takes, within the bounds of the law, of course! Consequently, I am tired and in some pain, but my tuition account is getting fatter all the time.

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