Saturday, February 12, 2011

Midterm Report

Hi guys...holy wow.  This semester is more than twice as tough as last semester, even though I'm only taking two more classes. Every professor figures that theirs is the ONLY important class you're taking and none of them cares whether or not you're swamped in any other class....go figure. Kind of like life, nu?

So far my grades are so-so, but the first test in German 102 was AWFUL....a real wakeup call. The next one was much better, so pray for me with the third chapter test, next Thursday! And I have a test in Anthropology 250...a paper in Western Civilization....a paper in Critical Thinking...followed by a nervous breakdown on Friday...hahahahahha....

Received an email from my dear friend, Kathy McEwen, who lives in Washington State. She started walking half-marathons a couple of years ago and is working her way up to actually RUNNING a marathon - and she's 64 years old! WAY TO GO, KATHY!! Check her blog out and be inspired to change YOUR life -

1 comment:

  1. This will be great, Deb! Love your title - it sounds like something you'd come up with! Haha
    I look forward to following you on here. :)


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